The First Shot edition 6.
June 2021
EXCOM Alley - Meet Lt Col Kate Stowe
Second Vice President
Fuller Memorial Golf Tournament Supports STEM Scholarships
Back to semi-normal, the chapter held its annual Elmer J. Fuller Memorial Golf Tournament in June, at the Marlboro Country Club, Massachusetts. This event honors Fuller, a Hanscom Air Force Base senior civilian and staunch AFCEA supporter who served as past chapter president and board chairman. Two flights from government and industry participated in a shotgun scramble. A luncheon followed with a special tribute recognizing long time chapter volunteer and avid golfer, Greg Doran, recently deceased. Golf committee co-chairs Dave Burke (Hanscom AFB) and Troy Blanchard (Google Cloud) awarded trophies to Flight 1 and 2 winners as well as individual contest winners (e.g., closest to the pin, longest putt, etc.). They also announced raffle winners and concluded by thanking the golf committee’s overall coordinator, Jeff Katz, as well as planning committee volunteers, and the numerous sponsors whose support helps raise thousands annually for the chapter's education fund science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) scholarships.
Lexington-Concord: (l-r) First place winners, Flight 1, (l-r) Wes Denny, Kevin Sullivan and Brian Fredricksson are all smiles after beating the completion at the chapter’s spring golf tournament. Not pictured Charles Lannan who was the team’s 4th.
Lexington-Concord: (l-r) Mike Magerman, Erin Donlan, Mike Petroskey, and Tom Dubois 2nd Flight, first place winners pose for group photo at the chapter’s annual Elmer J. Fuller golf tournament.
The chapter remembered long time AFCEA volunteer, Greg Doran, who recently lost his courageous battle with ALS, during the Fuller golf tournament. Serving on every planning committee for years, he was integral to the to the success of the chapter’s annual Fall and Spring Golf Tournaments and also served the community as a selfless volunteer for meals on wheels, several other civic programs, and coached numerous youth sports teams.
Lexington-Concord’s Emerging Leaders Kick Off Hometown Host Series
On May 27th the Emerging Leaders of Lexington-Concord held the first-ever "Hometown Host" event in coordination with the AFCEA International Emerging Leaders team. This event gave our Emerging Leaders an opportunity to highlight the defense ecosystem in the Lexington-Concord and Greater Boston area, including presentations by the Hanscom AFB PEOs, local FFRDCs, and other innovation units such as DIU and the MIT AI Accelerator. This event was a huge success and laid the foundation for the Hometown Host series that AFCEA International will continue with other chapters and their Emerging Leaders.
Upcoming Events
Annual 5K for STEM - Join us Remotely or In-person!
Registration is now open for the Annual 5K for STEM coming Sept. 4 - 18th! We’re shaking things up a little this year to make sure everyone can participate. This will be a hybrid event – you can join us remotely or come and participate in person! Sponsorships are also available. Proceeds will go towards funding STEM education. For more information or to register: https://runsignup.com/Race/MA/Bedford/AFCEAVirtual5K
Save the Date!
Coming September 13, 2021
Annual Fall Golf Outing
Atkinson Country Club, Atkinson, NH
Stay tuned for details!
Wishing you all a safe and happy 4th!